Spiritual ups and downs in busyness

25 May 2024

Facing difficulties emotionally, spiritually and physically with the demands of business and guilt for not being as “on top” of what I wanted to do for ministry, family etc. This morning God ministered to me through 真情部落格 video. The video is about a Korean businessman in taiwan and his journey with God in his business. God is reminding me through this story of a “success” story in business. Not that it matters, and I already understood and surrendered desires and goals to Abba and His Kingdom goals. However God is graceful and knows a little encouragement through the video will lift me up.

5 June 2024

Been a series (or short season) of ups and downs, between the demands of the business, sense of not working enough in ministry, lacking confidence after my wilderness journey, being a little awkward in the world after being more used to the ways of the Kingdom.

Money wise, we are still waiting for stability but faith in God’s provision is at all time high now (I feel).

God led me to a sermon by HTB and ministered to me, together with the song below.

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