11 Aug Obey And Follow Me, Will Glorify Me
11 August 2019
Read about Abraham’s obedience without questions.
A spiritual mentor passed a message that what Lord placed on my heart is true.
So I will obey and take first step.
During time alone with God, I asked “God, how do I glorify you?” I saw the same vision of Jesus’ feet. The answer was “follow me”
Even in our quest to glorify God, lean not on our self but on God, in following Him.
Earlier that day, I obeyed and approached a family while jogging at Botanic Gardens to tell them “God bless you and your family” Immediately after I obeyed, I felt the joy of the Spirit!
During fast and pray, I was prompted to take a small step (not sure towards what, but a general direction to serve God), so I messaged a pastor, a spiritual mentor and a sister who is a church leader.
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