God provided a super nice and big Equarius Hotel Suite for us for Clara's First Birthday celebration. I've always testified that in our current wilderness journey where we are frequently down to our last dollar, God has not let us go 1 day with a...

Was frustrated and raised my voice at my mother yesterday as she was nagging and scolding my son and it frustrated me. I felt no peace and was upset. This morning I was pondering to myself about Honouring our parents. This is the heart of...

Woke up and saw Bridal Harvest's email newsletter and the attached video link. The video is a reminder to eat well and get back to the healthy diet which I had adopted after I fell sick in 2017/2018. Yesterday my wife also reminded me that...

19 Mar 2022: Finally the core team members of the church ministry I'm chairing managed to meet up, added bonus it's in person lunch! I managed to share more of my wilderness journey and learn more about the core team members too. By God's grace,...

God spoke to me about James 1 and 2. At the same time God spoke to my colleague about James 1. The same idea to work with orphanages etc. Given at the same time to both of us who are physically 1500 km away. It...

10 Mar 2022 During family night prayers, wife was given vision of the same scenario of us crossing the Jordan River. We are at the end of the crossing and stepping onto shore. Behind us are our children. 15 Mar 2022 During Monday morning company worship and prayers,...

10 Mar 2022God reminded me during morning worship that if Jesus is the Chairman and I serve Him, then I need not be worried about the business. Whether we do well or not, it's on Jesus....

10 Mar 2022Was chatting with a colleague about wilderness and Joseph's story. He mentioned that in the bible Joseph was able to continue his wilderness journey because it was written that God was with him.11 Mar 2022I have a monthly fellowship with a brother and...

I continue learning about my current wilderness season. This time from this sharing by John Bevere. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38u6MOtdkeU What was especially re-assuring was the reminder that God prepares His people in the wilderness. When we understand that the purpose of the wilderness is preparation, then we can behave...