During company worship, God spoke to colleague to "worship more". I asked whether this is individual or corporate worship, Colleague said he doesn't know. My mind was thinking of sing song kind of worship. Later God spoke to me that singing songs are good, Both corporate...

During morning worship God through the song "Thank you" by Ray Boltz, whispered "thank you for giving to the Lord" to me. At that instance I teared. The King of Kings, Lord of Lords saying thank you to me, the sense of "I should say thank...

6 May 2022 I dreamt of so many people praying for me. I was also leading some prayer and preaching session. I wasn't sure if this was from God. This morning a dear brother was showing support, concern and prayers to me (in real life) and...

In my wilderness journey, people come and go. In fact many times, they come divinely actually. And it will be very exciting because I felt that God is bringing people to help. Some will stay for long time, some will stay for a brief season....

In this wilderness journey I became less and less self-confident. Self confidence without God is this belief that the self is sufficient and that we are in control. Self confidence with God is a confidence in our God given abilities and talents, our God given...

26 Apr 2022 I came back from Jakarta. I had expected strong attacks from enemy in Jakarta but there weren't any. Few days after I came back, started to feel stuck and weak with the demands of work. I recognised the weakness and leaned in to Joshua....

13 Apr 2022 First milestone "missional" trip to Jakarta to be on 18 Apr 2022. Had planned to meet colleague in Wework office. This morning God ministered with an important song "Let it rain" by Michael Smith (God ministered deeply with this song when He told...

13 Apr 2022 During worship God reminded about His heart to healing (our broken and wounded soul, spirit and physical bodies) with Matthew 4:23-24 through the song 當祢走進我們當中. Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease...

13 Apr 2022 God brought me to quite a number of people who talks about building Noah's Ark in the last days/current days. This has always been aligned to what God speaks to me about. As I observed other warriors who are called to build Noah's Ark,...

God provided a super nice and big Equarius Hotel Suite for us for Clara's First Birthday celebration. I've always testified that in our current wilderness journey where we are frequently down to our last dollar, God has not let us go 1 day with a...