20 Oct 2018: Had a catch-up with an ex army friend. He shared about his ill father and I felt this great empathy for him and family, almost to the point of tearing. In fact I must have teared a little I think. The old me would...

I forgot the dates but there was one time I was waiting for train at Redhill MRT and just asking God what's the plan for Sean's school. Do I need to do anything? God said "I got it settled" So true enough we didn't do...

Sanctification is a life-long journey. This is how it started for me. 16 Oct 2018: God prompted me to reach out to a good friend turned "enemy" to tell him that he has been forgiven and to pray for love, peace and joy in his life. This is...

I was on my way to the supermarket and saw an old man in his wheelchair. I have seen this uncle multiple times. My memory was one day when I was still ill and I was walking very slowly below my block. The only other...

I was baptised in the Holy Spirit over the weekend. On the same Sunday night I reached home and found this small booklet at our door. It's about Jesus and Salvation. I left it on the table. I didn't think much of it.My wife picked...

I joined the Alpha weekend away camp being very broken in many aspects, with a soft and empty heart, had repented and accepted Christ. I write more at:The Spiritual Quest… to BrokennessI was quite eager and curious to find out more about the Holy Spirit...

I was born in a Singapore Chinese family where religion is a mix-bag of ancestor worship, Taoist and Buddhist influenced rituals. Personally, my spiritual quest has been varied and "all over the place". One of the books we studied listed some common spiritual quest positions...