2 July 2019 One morning, I had a "random" thought in my mind, reach out to Philip Ng. I went into bedroom to tell my wife, God seems to say reach out to Philip Ng. She asked who's that. I said I don't know. So I...

30 June 2019 Late at night and having a simple chat with wife about me not walking with her in our journey with God. Somehow I couldn't take it in, thoughts flooded my mind of giving up cell group, even Christianity. Anger also filling up my heart. I...

15 June 2019 Have a close family that's having difficulties to conceive. Was spending some time with God alone in resort room when God gave a vision. (See below, pardon for lousy drawing) Basically I see God giving them a baby and angels rejoice, but there's some...

10 June 2019 We were praying for a holiday with wife's 奶奶 before her dementia gets worse. God helped us plan something which is better and beyond our imagination. Turns out somehow 奶奶 is joining our anniversary holiday, which is great as she will be reminded of...

9 June 2019 During service, asked God for vision for my calling. I see faint vision of still water and Jesus' feet (dressed in white robes) walking gently on water. It creates gentle ripples. The message is same as before: Be still and know that I'm God. In...

4 June 2019 Desire that my calling is marketplace ministry, not sure, pray on it. Went to altar to surrender my life to the Lord. Church uncle prayed and God impressed upon him to give me "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things...

There are some fellowships that's just different, in a good, divine way. Because it's led by the Holy Spirit. These conversations go deeeep, the "effects" and relationship lasts loooong and it's always very encouraging to everyone. 2 June 2019 Great chat with a brother, very much led...

May 2019 At work, there are some developments that I'm fearful about. Been praying for it not to happen. Logically I still have 6 more months before things will unfold and I need to decide on something. Suddenly this thing accelerated and what I was quite fearful...