8 Feb 2020 Spending some time to rest in God, God asked me to gather a group of people to fast and pray for Singapore, China and people of God (in the world) for fear and illness due to Coronavirus. It definitely felt very uncomfortable to...

14 Feb 2020 Had a fellowship at home with a family we are praying for regarding their own desire to have a baby, while praying, saw vision of Jesus carrying two babies standing between my wife and sister in Christ. 20 Mar 2020 Was praying and worshipping, felt...

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. Have a brother whose wife is going through serious illness, over lunch I went to a quiet place with my bible and prayed for...

Was given Isaiah 5:16 But the Lord Almighty will be exalted by his justice,    and the holy God will be proved holy by his righteous acts. ...

Making decisions, dealing with challenges and living life according to these 3 time horizons; namely today, this lifetime and eternity; puts things in proper perspective. Today: Matthew 6:34 says “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”...

While jogging saw 2 caucasians pointing to a toucan perched on tree. Then saw a beautiful yellow bird flying and perching on tree. Message. Singapore is beautiful. God made it so. God has blessed Singapore. Recalls Tan Gee Paw mentioned Singapore is almost like a desert but...

We were on holiday to Tokyo but once we reached the hotel, suddenly I felt anxiety. It's a kind of work anxiety to the extent that I was shivering a little. I have never felt like this before and I sensed it's a bit of...

We were never children people. I'm not sure how to communicate with children other than my own son. 14 Dec 2019 God had started planting some seeds for children in our heart. Wife had received some prophetic words regarding children ministries and children. So it wasn't totally...

This is my baptism testimony and I would like to give thanks to the Lord, our God. We (both me and my son) were saved by Jesus from physical and spiritual death.  Give thanks to God for His mercy and grace.  It is easy to worship on top of...