Was a period when God gave many divine appointments one after the other. Came to know a sister and was having coffee one morning with her and her husband. That evening sister was at dinner with friends and they were discussing about investing into the startup I...

17 Dec 2020 Having coffee with a pastor and brother and he started to pray for me. Word was "Be Jay" and "Staff" Be Jay - Just be who I am Staff - Story of Moses and his staff. God will use the "staff" of my life to perform...

This is an anchor verse, it comes to me A LOT. Write a few in this post. 13 Nov 2020 Dream: see a very clear word STILL on a boat, God reminding me of Psalms 46:10. 21 July 2021 Morning worship, last song "Be still". God ministered deeply and...

12 Nov 2020 Dream: There seem to be a stone in the middle. Impression that it is stuck and held in bondage. I have a sense this represents something big like nations or the earth. When the bondage is broken by God, through prayers, the rivers...

God led to join this course. 24 Oct 2020 During Pastor Father heart of God prayers for everyone, I saw faint image of light illuminating from the book of life. God impressed that my heart is full of God's love so give.. so I stretched out...

2 Oct 2020 During morning prayers, I was repenting for various things, lack of loving heart, too fierce to Sean, lack of self control etc. Was tearing before Lord. As I continued praying, saw faint vision of Jesus giving me a crown. I can sense an...

16 Sep 2020 I asked Chairman of Weshine to show me what Weshine is. I saw image of globe with many small lights scattered all over. Faint impression of the globe in Jesus's hands. 12 Nov 2020 Saw the globe with yellow lights all over again. ...

During a prayer warrior group prayer, wife saw two main visions. 1) Buildings disintegrating and in place are small houses all worshipping God. Not sure what it is, this was Covid-19 time, so we can see how people were stucked at home and worshipping on their own,...

16 Jun 2020 Brought to meet the founder of a new social media ministry. When I read the deck and video introduction, presence of God was very strong so I knew I need to meet this founder. During meeting founder explained what he is trying to...