A few days ago, I was sharing with friends about us giving our 5 loaves and 2 fish to Jesus.This morning God brought my attention to this song by Corrine May about 5 loaves and 2 fish. God is reminding me to trust Him with...

The main cell group we are involved in is "dying" (in my view). As I have too many commitments, I had taken a follower role in this group though I don't join the meetings as much due to competing commitments. The group dynamics has evolved to...

Dream:(I seldom remember my dreams but once in a while God does help me remember my dreams if it's important and from Him.)I remember this dream vividly.I see Jesus in His glory. He is totally shining and radiating light. A peaceful kind of light, not...

Good timely break from the world. Thank God for good participation from the congregation too. And great weather! For my own Time with God, I was worshipping and during the second song, God ministered and I cried. (I was on a bench at Botanic Gardens and...

God has been speaking to me about sharing God's heart and leading for the business especially among brothers and sisters. Many verses, songs and thoughts are all talking about this. God kept bringing up Romans 12:1-2, that this applies not just to individuals but the business...

God has been pointing me to John Sung and I began listening to the reading of a book that tells about John Sung's life and ministry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3-bmjM3k3s&list=PL2twP97rvaO1w1K1hw6S6Mdq3c1QVtYrj&index=1Very often when I listen to and read from this book, it brings tears to my eyes. To see how...

27 Jan 2022:Have been thinking about my immediate family for past few weeks. We are on a difficult wilderness journey and I was telling God I'm not sure if my family can take it, and some other concerns I have for the family. Posture of my...

22 Sep 2021: Someone I know quite well approached me and offered to transfer some money to me. He has been praying about it for months and been waiting for the right moment to bring up to me. My first reaction was surprise and responded...

12 Jan 2022:Met up with Mr A for our monthly fellowship. This time round we walked away with a verbal agreement to work on building a Play To Earn and NFT community. As we were talking, I can see some synergy of this new space with...

Had a 3.5 hours fellowship with a new "mentor" figure: I learnt that faith is not about us. We are unable to grow in faith. The faster we get to realize that we have no faith the better it is. Faith is about God's faithfulness. We can...